"Together, we’ll conquer Covid-19"
We’re “closing” in order to return as soon as possible
Due to the health situation we are experiencing in Spain, Europe and the world in general as the result of the Covid-19 virus, Hoytom will remain closed until Tuesday, April 14. The Spanish government has ordered all businesses to comply with this exceptional measure whose activities are non-essential in the fight to contain and prevent the propagation of the virus.
This shutdown primarily affects our headquarters in Spain and our production chain. If there is an urgent matter that you wish to communicate to us or for requests for quotes, these can be sent by email to hoytom@hoytom.com and we will attempt to respond as soon as possible. Likewise, most of our dealers continue to operate as normal and can answer any questions you might have or issue quotes.
We hope you understand this exceptional situation. We will be back soon, but for now we need to concentrate on fighting together against the Covid-19 virus.
Stay safe and healthy and we would like to offer all our encouragement to anyone affected and those who are fighting against this virus.